Terms and Conditions

Subject of the Terms and Conditions

Art. 1. (1) These General Terms and Conditions for the use of the "Voicelip" platform ("Terms and Conditions") govern the relationships between "Voicelip" LLC, UIC: 206319505, with registered address in Sofia, Lozenets district, Mitropolit Kiril Vidinski St. № 3, regarding the provision of services in the application and website owned by "Voicelip" LLC, UIC: 206319505 (referred to here as "Voicelip", "we", or "us") and the users of the platform.

(2) Any person who downloads/loads the "Voicelip" website and application onto their technical device (Smartphone, tablet, etc.) will be referred to as "user" or "users" for short.

Art. 2. (1) By using the "Voicelip"/"VoiceLip" application and website, users declare that they accept and agree to these Terms and Conditions. The Terms and Conditions govern the conditions for using the services and the relationships between "Voicelip" LLC, UIC: 206319505, and each individual user.

(2) Any violation of the Terms and Conditions may result in the termination of access and use of the services. Users who do not agree with the Terms and Conditions may not use the services and should terminate access to the content.

(3) In case of disagreement with the Terms and Conditions, users should remove/uninstall the application from their technical device. If they do not do so, it is assumed that they fully agree with the present Terms and Conditions.

(4) Where applicable, the personal data of users is processed in accordance with the "Voicelip" Privacy Policy.


Art. 3. (1) "Voicelip" is an internet-based platform that provides its users with remote access to audiobooks and other literary and artistic content ("the content"), stored in electronic format with the possibility of multiple reproductions, transmitted via the internet to a technical device that allows the use of this service, as well as the ability for users to create and record audiobooks by reciting and recording works for a fee upon individual agreement ("the Services").

(2) To use the services, users use an application and/or other software developed by "Voicelip", by registering their profile ("account") in the "Voicelip" application.

(3) An audiobook is a sound recording of a book or other literary, artistic, scientific, or journalistic work, which is read aloud by a physical person, stored on a suitable medium using the necessary technical means, and contains audio, video, graphics, and other necessary components. An audiobook is also considered to be a sound recording of an excerpt from a book or other literary, artistic, scientific, or journalistic work.

Art. 4. "Voicelip" provides a personal digital subscription service, through which users can listen to audiobooks in real-time via streaming and/or temporarily download audiobooks and other literary and artistic content to the technical device they use with internet access, through the application developed by "Voicelip" or other software owned by "Voicelip".

Requirements for Using the Services

Art. 5. (1) To use the services, users must comply with the technical requirements of "Voicelip", as well as those of third parties with whom "Voicelip" has contractual relationships regarding the provision of services. "Voicelip" reserves the right to change the technical requirements for using the services and periodically to change, add, or remove business partners.

(2) To use the services, the user must have a technical device that meets the minimum hardware and software requirements as follows: Platform: Android and iOS; Operating System Version: 6.0 and above for Android, 12 and above for iOS; Processor: No restrictions; Disk space: 100MB. (3) The services can be used on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. (4) Users must be of legal age and competent to use the services. Minors and incapacitated persons may use the services under the supervision of a guardian/parent. The guardian/parent is responsible and liable for unauthorized use by a minor/incapacitated person.

Rights and Obligations of the Users

Art. 6. Users have the right to use the services of "Voicelip" in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and/or other additional conditions agreed between the parties, as well as the applicable legislation.

Art. 7. (1) Users use the content of the services for personal, non-commercial use. Users do not have the right to: reproduce the content and distribute it among an unlimited number of persons, publicly perform or present the content, broadcast it wirelessly, transmit the content by cable, publicly display the content that contains visual and/or artistic work, translate the content into another language, modify and synchronize the content, offer the content or part of it wirelessly or by cable to an unlimited number of persons, allowing this access to be made from a place and at a time individually chosen by each of them, as well as any other use other than for personal needs and for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions. Users are not allowed to record or make copies of the content.

(2) Users are obliged not to take actions that lead to the destabilization of the "Voicelip" application or restrict the proper functioning of the software. Users are obliged not to copy, modify, or distribute the code of the "Voicelip" application in any way or to carry out any other damaging actions affecting the proper functioning of the application.

(3) Users have the right to use the "Voicelip" application solely for personal non-commercial use of the services provided by "Voicelip" LLC. Any other use of the application other than as stated in this paragraph is expressly prohibited, for which the users are explicitly notified. The same applies to the use of graphic materials, images, and any other objects of intellectual property and copyright.

(4) Users are obliged, when using the "Voicelip" application and services, to comply with public norms of behavior and not to use offensive words, expressions, and content, not to use discriminatory addresses and phrases towards other users or the platform, and to respect the opinion and rights of third parties using the services. Users are obliged when using the application not to distribute sexual content and/or other materials containing acts of aggression, violence, hatred, etc. Users have the explicit right to receive and share information, but this cannot be done with the aim of affecting or harming the interests of other persons or the platform.

Art. 8. Users are obliged to comply with the technical and other requirements of "Voicelip" for using the services.

Art. 9. Users are responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information required for account registration on the platform and subscription plan billing. In the event of changes to this data, the user is obliged to notify "Voicelip", otherwise it is assumed that the information has not changed. Any email sent by "Voicelip" to a user's email address is considered received by the user within one (1) day of sending the email.

Rights and Obligations of the Platform

Art. 10. (1) "Voicelip" provides the services under the conditions regulated in the Terms and Conditions and/or other additional conditions agreed between the parties.

(2) "Voicelip" has the right to set a minimum age limit at which one or more of the services/content can be used. By using the services/content, the user declares that they have reached the minimum age specified for their use. Supervisors are obliged not to allow the use of the services by those under their supervision in violation of these general conditions.

(3) "Voicelip" has the explicit right to notify, signal, and send messages by any technical means to users regarding issues concerning the relations between the parties, the execution of this contract, and others.

Art. 11. (1) "Voicelip" undertakes to ensure the safety of minors/incapacitated persons in the application by providing them with access to content that corresponds to their age.

(2) "Voicelip" guarantees the protection of users' personal data used to register a profile in the application, including minors/incapacitated persons.

Art. 12. (1) "Voicelip" may unilaterally amend the Terms and Conditions and other terms for the use of the services, notifying users of this within a period not less than 7 days before the change takes effect. All such changes and additions come into force without the prior consent of the users.

(2) The amendments and additions come into force automatically from the moment they are published in the application or on the "Voicelip" website. "Voicelip" publishes a specific notice outlining the additions and changes. In case of disagreement by the user with the changes, the user is obliged to stop using the service and close their account. If the user does not take these actions, it is considered that they agree with the change of the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them.

Art. 13. "Voicelip" has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions in whole or in part to third parties.

Art. 14. (1) The services are offered continuously, without time limits. Any suspensions and interruptions of services due to technical reasons do not constitute a breach of the Terms and Conditions and/or other additional conditions agreed between the parties, provided that actions are taken to remedy them and restore the services.

(2) In case of problems with access to the services, "Voicelip" will make efforts to remedy the relevant defects within a reasonable time, considering the causes that led to the defect and its nature.

(3) The services may be stopped due to technical maintenance, prophylaxis, and any changes and improvements to the application software, for which the user will be notified in advance.

Art. 15. "Voicelip" has the explicit right to block a user's account and terminate access to the platform's services if the user violates these Terms and Conditions and/or commits damaging actions against the platform, the company that maintains it, its employees, representatives, proxies, other users, and others.

Intellectual Property

Art. 16. The website, the application, and any software of "Voicelip", as well as all elements they contain (such as trademarks, brands, images, texts, videos, etc.), are the property of "Voicelip" LLC, or the company is explicitly authorized to use them in the course of its activities. The use and/or reproduction of the website, application, and software of "Voicelip" (in whole or in part) by users in any other way or for any purpose other than those specified in these general conditions is not allowed. The same restrictions apply to their proxies, dependents, third parties, unincorporated entities, and others.

Art. 17. (1) The content of the services, which includes literary, artistic, and other copyrighted works, is the subject of intellectual property and is protected by reserved copyright and related rights. The use of the services does not lead to the transfer of rights over the content of the services, and it remains the exclusive property of "Voicelip" or its legal successors.

(2) Users have the right to use the services only in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and for the purposes of the services, namely the provision of streaming audiobooks, e-books, etc., for personal non-commercial use. For the avoidance of doubt, users do not have copyright and related rights to the content, and such rights are not transferred to them temporarily or permanently when using the service.

(3) All objects of intellectual property, know-how, material property, as well as objects equivalent to them, used in the application and/or website of "Voicelip" are the exclusive property of "Voicelip" LLC, UIC: 206319505, or are used by the company with the explicit permission of its legal successors. Any use outside the permitted by these Terms and Conditions constitutes a material breach of the rights of "Voicelip" LLC, and the violator is liable for all damages caused in accordance with applicable Bulgarian, European, and international legal acts.

Third Parties

Art. 18. The "Voicelip" application and website may contain content and services owned/provided by third parties. The presence of such content and/or services does not constitute a recommendation, invitation, offer, or other form of suggestion to users to purchase, use, and/or reproduce the content/service. "Voicelip" is not responsible for the quality, reliability, and compliance of the content with applicable legal regulations. Users are obliged to conduct independent research on the content, relevance, reliability, and conditions for its use. For all decisions taken to use third-party content/services, the responsibility lies with the users. "Voicelip" is not responsible for the content and services provided by third parties and cannot be held liable for any material or non-material damages or the satisfaction of other claims.

Art. 19. "Voicelip" uses the external email marketing software Mailchimp, in which users subscribe independently and have the option to unsubscribe at any time.

Art. 20. Third parties outside of "Voicelip" subcontractors are also bound by these Terms and Conditions, effective from the moment they download, use, view, or otherwise interact with the "Voicelip" application or website. These third parties are obliged not to violate the Terms and Conditions and not to engage in illegal and socially unacceptable actions against "Voicelip", its employees, representatives, proxies, as well as against the platform users.

Applicable Law

Art. 21. (1) For matters not regulated in these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the applicable legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply. If individual provisions of these Terms and Conditions are duly declared invalid, this invalidity does not affect the other provisions of the Terms and Conditions, which remain in force and apply to the relations between the parties.

(2) All disputes between "Voicelip" and the users regarding the use of the services shall be resolved through negotiations. Users are obliged to notify "Voicelip" if they have claims regarding the use of the services. Within 14 days of notification, "Voicelip" provides a response to the claim made before the company. The raised issues are resolved by agreement between the parties, and if this proves impossible, either party may refer the dispute to the competent court in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Information for Users

Art. 22. (1) The service is provided by "Voicelip" LLC, UIC: 206319505, with its registered office and management address in Sofia, Lozenets district, Mitropolit Kiril Vidinski St. № 3; Website URL: https://voicelip.com/; Email address: [email protected].

(2) The holder and owner of the application and website is "Voicelip" LLC, UIC: 206319505, with a management address in Sofia, Lozenets district, Mitropolit Kiril Vidinski St. № 3.

(3) The provision of the Service is for non-commercial purposes only, for use for entertainment, information, education, and other similar purposes.

(4) For more information regarding the services or if assistance is required concerning any of the functionalities of the website and application, for any other cases, you can contact "Voicelip" at the addresses provided.

Art. 23. Any author, copyright, and related rights holder, intellectual property owner, licensee, and/or performer, as well as anyone who believes that their copyright and/or related rights have been violated by the "Voicelip" platform, may contact the provided addresses and email: [email protected], and state the reasons why they believe a violation exists. After reviewing the claims made, and if the claims are justified, "Voicelip" LLC undertakes to rectify the inconsistencies and violations present on the platform within 3 (three) business days from the decision on the claim.